Homey-maker Athom overgenomen door LG
Athom heeft de overname aangekondigd in een persbericht. Het Athom-team blijft vanuit Enschede werken en oprichters Emile Nijssen en Stefan Witkamp zullen aanblijven in het management. Met de overname komt het Homey-systeem, de software en alle samenwerkingen in handen van LG, waardoor de Koreanen in één klap een nog grotere speler zijn op het gebied van smart home. LG maakte al wel enkele connected apparaten onder de naam ThinQ, maar is toch vooral bekend van de (AirPlay) tv’s en huishoudelijke apparatuur. Het merk Homey blijft bestaan en Athom zal ook doorgaan met de ontwikkeling van de huidige producten, te weten de Homey Pro, Homey Bridge en de Homey Cloud. Het bedrijf denkt dankzij de steun van LG sneller te kunnen groeien.
In de nabije toekomst wil LG de Homey-technologie in de producten integreren, zodat LG-klanten er ook gebruik van kunnen maken. Beide bedrijven zijn van plan om samen te gaan werken om bijvoorbeeld de LG ThinQ-aangestuurde huishoudelijke apparaten met Homey te koppelen. Ook wordt er gekeken naar nieuwe oplossingen voor energiebeheer. LG nam jaren geleden al het (destijds revolutionaire) webOS-besturingssysteem over van Palm Inc. en gebruikt dat tegenwoordig in de televisies. Tegenwoordig zegt het bedrijf vooral te investeren in slimme functionaliteit en AI.
Lees hier het volledige (Engelse) persbericht
Athom acquired by LG Electronics
ENSCHEDE & SEOUL, July 3 2024 — LG Electronics has acquired an 80% stake in Athom to strengthen LG’s position in the smart home market. The entire Athom team stays in place, and the company’s founders Stefan & Emile will stay on as executives.
With this acquisition, the Homey operating system, connectivity and partnerships that Athom has developed over the past ten years will become available to LG, instantly making LG a leading provider of smart home solutions worldwide.
Homey as a brand will continue to exist. Athom will continue to develop its current products, Homey Cloud and Homey Pro, and keep working on an ever-expanding lineup of new products. Backed by LG’s knowledge and experience in manufacturing, partnerships and worldwide sales, Homey can now grow even faster than before.
Both the founders, Emile Nijssen & Stefan Witkamp, will stay on as executives of Athom, and continue to execute their vision and create a better smart home for everyone.
In the near future, LG will embed Homey technology in its products, bringing Homey’s connectivity & integrations to LG customers. A wide range of LG products will now be able to embed Homey’s operating system and instantly utilize the smart home platform for seamless connectivity and its versatile functionality.
Both companies will work together to create unique product synergies, starting with integrating LG ThinQ-powered Home Appliances with Homey. Collaboration in the field of Energy Management will also bring new and better Home Energy Management solutions to both LG and Homey customers. A deeper integration with
WebOS will empower LG TVs to take an even more central role in the customer’s smart home.
“We were very impressed by the technology, platform and team that Athom has built with Homey. The acquisition of Athom is expected to enhance the value of our core businesses and ultimately serve as a foundation for our smart spaces ecosystem business,” said Jung Ki-hyun, executive vice president and head of LG’s Platform Business Center.
“LG has recently invested heavily in solutions for smart spaces and AI, and we are proud to become part of this innovative, well-performing company”, states Stefan Witkamp, founder and Commercial Director of Athom. “We look forward to working with LG to create better smart home solutions for a growing number of users – through Homey, LG products, or a unique combination of both.”
“We remain committed to making Homey the best smart home platform in the world, fueled by our love for a great user experience and our open approach to smart home. Being part of LG helps us greatly to bring our vision to a larger number of users – both in its current and new ways.”, says Emile Nijssen, founder and Creative Director. “Our customers expect great quality and innovation from us, for existing and new products, and we’re thrilled to keep working on that.”
About Athom
Founded in 2014, Enschede, Netherlands-based Athom is the company behind Homey, one of the leading smart home systems in the world. Homey aims to create better smart homes by pairing powerful hardware products with user-friendly yet versatile software and interfaces. Homey hardware, including the flagship Homey Pro, supports many smart home technologies, including Zigbee, Z-Wave, Matter and Thread. The open Homey operating system hosts 1,000+ integrations, called Homey Apps, in its App Store, of which 280+ are from official partnerships, alongside many apps developed by the Homey community. Homey products are available at most major electronics retailers across Europe, the US and other markets, with broader distribution plans through this acquisition.
About LG Electronics
LG Electronics is a global innovator in technology and consumer electronics, with a presence in almost every country and an international workforce of more than 74,000. LG’s four companies – Home Appliance & Air Solution, Home Entertainment, Vehicle Component Solutions and Business Solutions – combined for over 60 billion USD in global revenue in 2023. LG is a leading manufacturer of consumer and commercial products ranging from TVs, home appliances, air solutions, monitors, automotive components and solutions, and its premium LG SIGNATURE and intelligent LG ThinQ brands are globally recognized. Visit www.lgnewsroom.com for the latest news.
Athom werd in 2014 opgericht in Enschede en maakt hardwareproducten zoals de Homey Pro, waarmee je allerlei smart home-protocollen kunt aansturen. Ook de verbinding maakt daarbij niet zoveel uit: het werkt met Zigbee, Z-Wave, Matter en Thread. Gebruikers en officiële partners hebben meer dan duizend Homey-apps gemaakt, waarmee je vrijwel elk denkbaar apparaat kunt koppelen en aansturen. Daarnaast is er een cloudgebaseerde oplossing voor mensen die het eerst willen proberen. Daarbij ben je wel afhankelijk van een internetverbinding om je smart home-producten te kunnen aansturen.
Lees ook:
- Review: Homey Bridge slaat geen brug naar HomeKit
- Homey Pro: nieuwe Nederlandse alleskunner vanaf vandaag verkrijgbaar
- Review: Homey Pro (Early 2023), later dit jaar nog beter
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