Ja hoor: man verkoopt iPhone 5-tekening op eBay
Waar Apple is, valt geld te verdienen. Dat weet eBay-verkoper relznuk-pacifist ook en aldus probeert hij een originele, zelfgetekende schets van de iPhone 5 te verkopen op de internationale veilingsite. “Het is niet echt een goede tekening, en omdat de iPhone 5 nog niet echt bestaat, is hij enkel op geruchten van tech sites gebaseerd“, schrijft de verkoper in zijn jolige omschrijving die hier en daar de Apple-fanboys op de hak neemt. Het huidige bod staat na drie biedingen op 5,50 dollar. Hoe ver komt deze tekenaar? Een deel van eBay-omschrijving na de klik.
“Up for bid is a drawing of what I think the upcoming iPhone 5 might look like. It’s not a particularly good drawing, and since the iPhone 5 doesn’t actually exist yet, I can’t really base my drawing on anything other than the rumors that I see on tech sites.
This was drawn with a very unique and special emerald green pen that has been my favorite for a long time, and was drawn onto regular 8.5 x 11 sheet of recycled paper that was originally in a leaf-colored notebook with a bamboo spine.
I am posting this drawing because I know that many people will buy almost anything associated with a certain company in Cupertino (like the folks that paid $150 for Steve Jobs figurines), and since many of those same people will be paying $700 or more for the next iPhone anyway, I figured their willingness to part with their cash might make for an interesting eBay dynamic.
Lastly, know that your money will go to a good purpose. I am saving up for college, and will apply anything I make towards college savings and helping others. Also, 25% of anything I make will go directly to the California division of the American Cancer Society so that they can use it to research a cure for cancers like the rare pancreatic cancer that is affecting Steve Jobs’ health.
Lastly, I do not profess to have any knowledge about the iPhone 5. This drawing is merely a creative and imaginary work and doesn’t necessarily bear resemblance to any actual future Apple product. Also, I do not accept PayPal, so payment will need to be through my merchant account, through MoneyBookers, or through a personal check.”
Via Macenstein
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