PhotoDial, first picture dialing application on the iPhone

PhotoDial is the first picture dialing application for the iPhone. With PhotoDial from Makayama, you can call friends and family by just tapping on their picture.
Gonny van der Zwaag | -

PhotoDial 1.0.1This is an iPhone application a lot of people have been waiting for: picture dialing. Instead of scrolling through your contact list, PhotoDial from Makayama allows you to call someone just by clicking on a picture. This is the first photo dialing application for the iPhone we’ve seen so far. With PhotoDial you can change the order in which the photos appear and you can also adjust the size of the photos, allowing up to 16 friends and family members on a single screen.

PhotoDial works with all languagues and all firmware versions. In the near future Makayama will offer PhotoDial using Apple’s official distribution channel (probably iTunes). In the meantime, you can install PhotoDial only on jailbroken iPhones by adding the Makayama Dev repo ( to Installer. To do so, open Installer and use Sources > Edit > Add to enter the URL.

PhotoDial is free to try. The software sells for an introduction price of $14,95 / €12,95 excluding tax until March. After that, the software will cost $19,95 / €14,95.

For more info check Makayama PhotoDial or watch the demo video below.

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A gallery of the possibilities of PhotoDial for iPhone:

Makayama PhotoDial for iPhone - Opening screen   Makayama PhotoDial for iPhone - Settings   Makayama PhotoDial for iPhone - Drag and drop to reorder
Makayama PhotoDial for iPhone - 16 pics   Makayama PhotoDial for iPhone - 9 pics   Makayama PhotoDial for iPhone - 4 pics   Makayama PhotoDial for iPhone - 1 pic

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