Steve Ballmer reviewt de iPad (video)

Steve Ballmer reviewt de iPad: geen Flash, geen Farmville, geen multitasking en zelfs geen porno. Maar toch: this thing blows!

steve ballmer ipadSteve Ballmer heeft al veel onaardige dingen over Apple gezegd. Nu de iPad op de markt is wilde hij er best een videoreview over maken. In navolging van Fake Steve en Walt Mosspuppet heeft Ballmer zijn eigen pratende handpop gekregen. Over de iPad zegt hij:

This thing is an etch-a-sketch. How many times are you going to be bent from that sandal-wearing, yogurt-eating guru?

De iPad heeft geen multitasking, geen Flash, geen Farmville en geen porno. Maar toch: this thing blows!

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Dit is wat Ballmer zegt:

Hi.. Steve Ballmer from the Microsoft Corporation with an iPad review.. Are you kidding me.. this thing is an etch a sketch.. How many times you gonna be bent over from that yoghurt eating, sandal wearing guru? it’s ridiculous! He releases a tablet without multitasking? Wait till I flood the market with a thousand of these things.. It’s gonna have Windows 7.. Windows Mobile.. Azure.. the Cloud.. It’ll have everything! Try opening an app on this thing and listen to some music.. Back and forth.. Back and forth.. Back and forth! No multitasking.. No multitasking! Are you kidding me? How do you have this much real estate and I still have to hit “Shift” to type a number? It’s idiotic! No flash.. No Farmville.. No porn.. No sports.. Now I know why Steve calls it Safari.. because its a hunt to find a website that works on this thing.. What is it with him? I thought that him and Adobe were friends.. they go back a long time.. Is there anybody that this guy won’t try and screw? When is enough? I thought we were the bad guys.. Jesus! Can you pick a more close system? Talk about screwing developers.. Developers Developers Developers! These guys make the Google twin idiots look like geniuses. Scoble’s all happy he waited 22 hours in line to get one.. Christ that guy is an idiot! So glad I got rid of him.. How do you not put a camera in this thing? How am I supposed to see Martin on chat roulette? Steve Ballmer from the Microsoft Corporation with an iPad review.. This thing blows!!


Laatst bijgewerkt
15 mei 2010 om 20:05

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